Sunday 14 April 2013

Evaluation: Question 4 (Glogster)

Evaluation: Question 3 tied in with music video embedded

What have I learned from audience feedback?

The mass audience we had in mind when producing our music video were that they were going to be girls between the ages of 14-21. The nationality of fans we had in mind were American and British teenage girls because our artist would be known the most in these two countries, not saying it wouldn't be popular in non-western countries but because their lifestyle, culture and attitude to life is different to those who live in the west it will go down well with some and not so well with others but that also applies to the people in the west too.

pleasures and pain:

Girls who can relate to the video are ones who themselves know what it's like to be in a relationship with a boy who is challenging due to their rebellious character. They are able to empathise and also sympathise with her and the pain that transmits to the audience is when they have an insight to the domestic abuse she is receiving from him and finding it hard to decide if she should leave him or not. The cliffhanger of her finding out whether she may be pregnant or not changes her decision of what she would do next and this adds to the pain for the audience who would by then would have created an emotional connection to the female protagonist.

techniques and tactics:

As Josie and Olivia are major fans of Taylor Swift and are familiar with her genre and the audience she attracts, they could see how they would apply those techniques and tactics to our project. Some of the audience feedback stated that a few of the transitions were 'too simple' (as shown in the example below) and although we wanted to create a feeling of simplicity I understand what they mean and that would be one thing I would change.

Evaluation: Question 2 (Prezi)

Evaluation: Question 1 (Glogster)

Friday 22 March 2013

Digipak completed

Front cover of digipak.
 CD design.
 Inside cover of the album, an image of a guitar and piano to signify the artist's favourite instruments that she enjoys playing. On the other side would be the lyrics of the songs featured on the album and any other details to do with the songs.
Back cover of digipak.

Sunday 17 March 2013

Diamond Clark wesbite.

Olivia and I were coming up with similar ideas, so we thought to combine them and create a website together. I did the connect, news and events (which I will be adding digipak to when finished), merchandise page. Olivia did Diamond Clark entrance, about and tour - which she has had problems completing due to her laptop but she should have it done by Monday 18th March. The other page Home and Gallery we did together. Note: even though it doesn't look like her, the girl in the background on the front page is an edited image of Josie Megan Crandley who starred in our music video.
Link below:

Analysis of websites - examples embedded (2)

Clear layout for the store section because it needs to be easy to navigate so they know exactly where to find the item(s) they want, get the details about them such as colour, price and size.

I think it's good Ellie Goulding has included minor details such as a lyric page because when people search for the lyrics they don't always find websites that have the accurate lyrics. It's also good to have a open layout of tracks so fans know all the songs Ellie has recorded without overlooking any.

Analysis of websites - examples embedded.

This is the entrance to Katie Melua's official website which is simple but I still like it as it gives her fans an insight to what her website offers without giving too much away.

The news events on her page are listed in a basic way with detail and images on the right-hand side. I think it's important not to have a page like news events crowded so that the fans can clearly see what is coming up but also to have enough information presented that is vital for the fans to know which in this case there is such as address, telephone, time, price etc.

Thursday 14 March 2013

Analysis of websites.

Eye tracking is a useful technique to take into consideration for web design. It can show what particular areas of a page are catching a user’s attention and areas that are being ignored. Eye tracking also shows how a user searches for information.

Tuesday 12 February 2013


Few of the photos from the star photoshoot

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Location shots (4)

Today (5/2/13) we went back to Richmond Park to film more of Josie's singing part.

Monday 4 February 2013

Location shots (4)

These locations were used to show the difference between narrative and singing. So the location of Josie's house (she photographed these photos as I forgot to at the time of the filming on the weekend) shows the narrative, each room signifying differences. such as the kitchen, hallway and stairs represents the aggressive-negative parts of the relationship, and the rooms with the sofa's displays the love and passion between the two characters.