Tuesday 26 June 2012

Feedback on the previous year 13 music videos.

Josie and I analysed last year's year 13's music videos and listed them from our most to least favourite and commented why:

1) 13B6: good use of location, excellent casting, varied editing styles and slick cuts, looks professional.

2) 13B5: good casting, variety of costume & controlled mise-en-scene, good lighting.

3) 13B1: good camera work, clear & emotional narrative, good use of location.

4) 13E10: clear narrative, good editing and camera work.

5) 13E9: good location, good narrative, clear editing.

6) 13B4: emotional narrative, good camera work.

7) 13B2: good camera work, good lighting and varied location.

8) 13B3: good editing techniques, good location, brilliant performance & location.

9) 13E8: looks professional, good location but a little bit boring.

10) 13E7: repetitive but good and varied editing styles.

11) 13E11: out of sync and repetitive editing techniques but good lighting and the use of a white back ground was good.

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